Friday, 20 August 2010


sorry to be silent for a while ( but reading my last blog post l think l needed to be, what a ramble!)
Wow l was surprised to have new FOLLOWERS! thankyou  Abbey , Em and Dana for dropping in!
l haven't been blogging on my original blog Cluckingabout as my camera died...but hope to get a new one quite soon..
As l said, my Dr contacted me from his holidays and said l was badly in need of more Armour and should start taking the Dhea/pregnenalone capsules again as my Adrenal levels had also drastically plummeted .He had stopped them in January. This was because  he had upped the dose of pregnenalone in the capsule and they made me feel ill..when l had tests done in March he said that l had to much DHEA so l could do without them..
l started with half of my Dhea/pregnenalone capsule for a couple of days but l didn't feel good on that so l have been splitting the contents of the capsule in 1/4s and putting the powder into empty tablet capsules
that l purchased from l seem to be much less jumpy and nervous though still not able to wake in the mornings  no energy or any go in me, to do anything, but better in the evenings and l am sleeping throughout the night.BRILLIANT It wouldn't look good if you came into my kitchen and saw me cutting the white powder! until the capsules arrived l was putting the spare powder in foil wraps!My two and my builder did joke with me! l have been on the DHEA for 16 days now...
My problem is still the Armour..l can't take any more than the 1/4 grain as when l have tried to up the dose
by even a 1/12  grain the sweats come with a vengeance!l can't cope with these sweats l would rather be very Hypo than sweating like l have just walked out of a pool!as l am still in Spain the weather has been HOT! one morning at 3am it was still 37C but it is different kind of sweating ( if that makes any sense?) when l have taken to much Armour ( or when l was on levo) the sweats are like a pressure that goes right through me from feet to head  it feels like my head will explode..
l am hoping that as l take more Dhea over time l will be able to increase my Armour dose...
l was advised by a lady who is more knowledgeable then any Dr l have seen from that l do not convert T4 to T3 well ,as my Adrenals are not functioning..which causes the intense sweating ...
l have been waiting for my test results to be emailed to me so l can have a good look at them,
l have a telephone appointment to discuss the findings etc on the 25th August..

In amongst all this l have LOST 1kg  making me 86kg AGAIN! and my apertite has gone  ( mostly!)
l am still sticking to Mary j Shomans thyroid diet book. ( which is so good ).and as l said, although l am not loosing weight l haven't continued to put on ANY! which is what was happening..
l do believe it is tablet/metabolism related..
 My diet is VERY restricted..l am allergic to, so NO dairy,eggs,Gluten,soya,beans (of any type ) bananas,any grains,garlic and pepper.
l have followed a anti candida diet for nearly four years soYeast and any fermented foods drink,smoked food and originally fruit ,but now back eating also off the menu!
l also have cut out  all sugar,natural or synthetic, (with the exception of fruit as My Dr said that better  to eat fruit  than  get cancer ) l was heading to be diabetic if l didn't cut sugar out..all part of the Hashimoto's
 SO wouldn't you think l would be loosing weight! NO....not yet
thankyou for letting me ramble AGAIN l think l might blog more often as maybe l will keep it shorter!
MAYBE ???????

Wednesday, 4 August 2010

Its all in the tests!!

Hello again,l haven't blogged as l have been FED up with feeling like crap..
Hypo-Hyper-Hypo ..and just low...
l did loose 2kg when l was Hyper for a fortnight and  got to 86kg for 4 days!
until l lowered my Armour l am 88kg AGAIN..

l had my appointment at my Dr's on 18Th July ( later than planned as SPAIN got in the
world cup final and we went into town to watch it on a huge big screen! it was a brilliant night
though l did have to stay in bed for the 2days legs were so achy !as well as the rest of my body l
was praying the game didn't go to penalties, extra time was bad enough!l ended up sitting on the floor the sweats were at there best!l felt like l had been in a swimming pool with my clothes on!)
Any way l've wandered! we had a good talk about my symptoms, he thought it was all down to the low
dose of armour l was on 1/4 grain. He again wanted me to up my dose but l explained l had tried on a number of occasions but had become hyper and the sweats had got worse..l also explained that as l had
been so hypo for five weeks l wanted to keep a good base line so he would be able to see where l really was blood test wise..TSH T4 T3 and ANTI- TPO ...he said that had been good thinking...(got something right)
l also said that l felt l had returned to how l had been when l first saw him,  not able to wake in the morning
and by early evening getting a bit more energy until bed time when l was totally wide awake and couldn't sleep.l have been so highly strung and jumpy!l have been like this since l was about 12years old..My family still joke that l only woke up when the News at Ten came on! l'd get all chatty and started doing things, when they were all winding down and ready for bed! Any way l think he took on board how l felt..He again said to up the Armour dose which l did the day after seeing an extra 1/8 grain, l took it for 4days but became Hyper and when the family say SHUT UP!you have to listen! l was like a over active Duracell battery!...l felt dreadful...
     He said NOT to contact him during August as he was on holiday but to update him before the end of July
as to how l was feeling ,so he could take that into consideration when he was assesing my test results..
so l emailed him on the 29th July telling him all.....
l have an appointment booked for 25th August to speak with him by phone for the follow up
Then last night l received an email...
 My Dr said l was extremely hypothyroid ( l knew that) and that my Adrenals were not functioning ( not surprising as they stopped being treated in January ,and l sort of knew that, but thought he knew best)
he said l needed to UP the Armour (not possible) and to start taking the DHEA/pregnenalone immediately!
l guess he has received my test results ( l still haven't)  it will be interesting to see the results myself..
                                 SO l START AGAIN!!.
l have lowered my dose of Armour to 1/8th grain..(hopefully will help stop the sweats)
l have taken 1/2 of a capsule of the DHEA/Pregnenalone today (as l had trouble in January when he upped 
my prescription by another 5mcg of pregnenalone)
l was thinking today it might well have been, that l had reached good levels of DHEA in l couldn't take anymore..then by stopping completely l have become depleted again..( what do you think?)
l will continue to take this dose for another week..
then l will take a whole capsule for a further week....
if this goes well and l feel OK.......
 l will up my Armour to 1/4 grain AGAIN  and see what happens!
by then it will be appointment time so l can tell him how I'm doing!
 in the mean time l will also continue to follow the thyroid diet plan
and see if and when l start to loose weight as l believe that is a good indication of
my metabolism working better .....
so here l go ...l will be posting how I'm doing....l feel there is hope AGAIN..
maybe l will start to disappear again?
please do leave a comment if you call by, l appreciate any help or thoughts or just a hello!
hello to Em ...thanks for starting to follow!
  thank you

Monday, 5 July 2010

Back to before

Hello l am getting a bit bored with this, so what it must be like for you?
l didnt blog last week as it wasn't a good week for me.
had to email Dr again he says l am showing all the signs of being VERY hypo.
l see him on the 15th of july so l am not going to touch my doses till l have my new
bloods and 24hr Urine tests..l have been on these doses now for 5 weeks so l am
going to keep to it!.
l haven't taken DHEA/pregnenlone since the beggining of January and l think my
adrenals are playing up BIG TIME..l couldn't take the increase of Armour thyroid
the drr suggested as it made me hyper so maybe lm not converting again?
just a thought?any ideas?
l returned to 191.8lbs or 87kgs last monday...
l am still the same this monday!!  but no gain eh!

l am so daft! l am having a rough day today l ATE couscous yesterday..
l don't  eat any yeast gluten,bread,rice,oats or any other grains as l have allergys
to them..BUT at a friends ,she said TRY THIS! l said l did eat it ages ago and like
it BUT l cant eat it now..SHE said if your feeling rough and poorly cutting out all
you can't eat ,you might as well eat something different..


 the thing is l wished l had eaten something so lovely that it would have been worth
making myself ill! like ice cream, chocolate, toasted bread and THICK butter
strawberry cream tea with THICK clotted cream...oh the list of NO NO's is endless

but to be awake all night and feel like this over a bowl of couscous !!! MAD
but then l am!
the headache is better but oh the pain in my stomach and body....

Monday, 21 June 2010

Told you so.....

So l weighed in this morning and.............
there l am back to....89kgs.......
havent had  blow out great meal ,salad fish ,salad meat,kept swimming Didn't move any more sand.
walked lots,
still not eating much fruit SOOOOO! WHAT IS GOING ON?
but at least lm still here in the sunshine!
l will be watching the scales...
see you soon.x

Saturday, 19 June 2010

somethings happening!

Its the weekend AND l have to just say on Thursday l weighed myself and
l had lost! l weighed 191.8lbs ....87 kilos....or 13st 9.8lbs to be exact...
 so as l was 193lbs for the two weeks before l lost 1.2lbs.
 so l didn't flip as l thought it will all go back on by the evening ..It didn't!so l was the same all day
AND today Saturday l weighed myself and lve lost again!!
today l weigh 189.6 ...86 kilos....or13.7.6lbs
 so lve lost  another2.2lbs ATLAST!!!
 a total of 3.4lbs this week and its not over yet!!
 lm telling you today in case when l weigh in on Monday l've put it all back on!!
and if l say that l had lost it  by Saturday you will believe me!!!
 l have swam a few more metres. and moved a pile of sand!
and l have also cut back on the fruit l was eating......
 see you Monday..have a good Sunday!

Wednesday, 16 June 2010

Still the same!

Hi there, WE now have internet in the house!so l will be able to blog more easily!!
the weather here is great!
so two days late!
 the weight for week Mon 7th - 14th June is 193lbs still the same!
 BUT still l didn't put on any!
l think l had a bit of a blip with converting the weight from kilos to pounds last week!
so l have been online and now have sorted the problem out!
l have been walking more and doing more....
l think l will have to cut back on the fruit,l tend to treat myself to fruit
 as my allergies prevent me from eating so much on the diet ok list
SO from tomorrow l will be sticking to only 2 pieces a day.
l will have to see if this helps?
still only on 1/4 grain of Armour so this could be a sticking block as well.
l'm due to talk to my Dr next week l will see if l can try to up the dose ..
have a good week! l hope your disapearing! x

Thursday, 3 June 2010

Back again

Hi sorry not to have been around..l got good news from the hospital last Tuesday the lump l had in my breast was ok being there! so that afternoon when l arrived home l booked to come out here to Spain!
l am walking and l made a promise to my self to SWIM every day....! so your waiting for the low down on the missed Monday weigh in?

well last week l was 197.3lbs which was a loss of 2lbs 70z
this week on Monday l was 193.6lbs a loss of 3lbs 7oz! so l am still loosing!

l am having problems with the waste material! especially if l eat fruit! and today when  l scale hopped l had put it all back on!but still l am trying !

l tried the Iodine and Tyrosine again last week..l was on not hyper as l am now taking only 1/4 grain Armour l was on a more even base line l took it..first day was fine but the next day when l took it l was hyper by the afternoon!and diint sleep all night..
l have waited for an email connection so l could post this and also email my DR again ..will let you no what he says !
has any one else been prescribed Iodine and Tyrosine? my Dr says l am low in this..Mary Shoman writes in her book that its no good for her.. l was very sad crying for no reason at all,in a beautiful place with great sunshine and yet l cried!but my mood lifted when l took the tablet!
sorry l haven't even spell checked have to rush off! will be back later!

Saturday, 22 May 2010

Oh what a feeling, l'm dancing on the ceiling!

So the story goes..
l didn't take Armour for a year because of the shortages, instead l was prescribed levothyroxine and cynomel l was already taking DHEA/Pregnenalone for Adrenal support,they were not functioning as they should.l didn't ever get to feel good on that combo..l stopped the DHEA in January as there was a problem with the capsules a pharmacy mix up..l started having terrible sweats.l've been there before, its when the T4 doesn't convert to T3 (or is it the other way around!) so its left floating around your blood ( the only hormone that is carried in the blood) and cant go anywhere except make you sweat a lot ,l felt like my body would burst! lots of ladies think its the menopause but it sure is different! l had a miserable couple of months sweating away in the cold and snow!
l asked to go back on Armour when l went back my Dr for my test results in April...
he said OK! so GREAT! l had stopped the DHEA already and he said the adrenals were sorted. ( my DHEA is up)he wanted me to get to 1 grain of Armour in increments at my own passe no problem.. l started on 1/4 grain on the 26Th April, the light came on in head l felt good.l took this dose for three weeks l was more awake in the brain but my body was no match! and on Sunday last l upped the Armour to 1/2 a grain. On Monday morning l was Hyper. but l thought give it time to settle...MY family sure NO that lm hyper!.On Tuesday my new supplements arrived l sorted them out into morning dose..

IODINE & TYROSINE ( the last 24hr urine test showed l am deficient)
Maca-3 ( GINSENG)
l need to take Calcium magnesium citrate 3 times a day with food...

And then my night time supplements
VITAMIN D3 ( 5000IU)
L-TRYPTOFAAN L-TRYPTOPHANE ( l had already decided to hold fire on this one as l reacted to 5htp a similar supplement with the last lot of supplements back in January.l thought see how l go with the first lot and if ok l will add it)
OTIMAL EFA'S (omega 3)
BIO FLORAXL (probiotics)
GRAPEFRUIT EXTRACT (to help eliminate urine works..)

these supplements help in five Areas :
field treatment, intestinal treatment, fatty acids treatment and antioxidant treatment...
when l first went to the Dr he said ,after blood tests and 24 hr urine test that l had bad adrenals and leaky gut syndrome to add to the Hashimoto's Thyroiditis
SO any way l took the supplements on Tuesday night and in the morning and afternoon on Wednesday.l was still hyper ..
On Thursday morning l woke up and lay there planning my day so l must have been of OK ( OK for me) to even think about a plan for the day! a bit hyper , me more energetic!..l take my Armour on a empty stomach as soon as l wake..l take my supplements later on before breakfast. At about 10 am l started to feel bad ,funny, foggy head very teary tingly and anxious...l was with a friend so came 12pm l felt dreadful my heart racing and banging away, my left arm and hand were tingling l couldn't see properly or focus l HAD TO GO TO BED l ached everywhere, more than normal..l lay there trying to sleep but was unable to get it, l WAS BUZZING!! not in a good way l felt l had a weight on my chest...
l can only contact my Dr by email, but its the last thing you want to do when your feeling C....P! all though he does reply very quickly, he travels around between three country's ,so the telephone isn't an option. l got so upset/cross about feeling this way ( Despair) l typed out how l was feeling and some questions and what did he suggest l do ?
He said it wasn't the supplements..
To lower the Armour to 1/4 grain again for four weeks (he wanted me to get to 1 grain originally)
and he didn't think we should start the DHEA again and will also review in four weeks...
l stayed in bed all day and didn't even get up in the evening....
But l did read and read l dipped in and out of Marys J Shomans book Living well with Hypothyroidism.........
not easy when you can't see properly!! even with my readers on its a blur...( does that happen to anyone else?you cant see or even focus?its scary)
what l think happened AND WHO AM l?( well l can read!)
My body, already in Hyper mode was bombarded with IODINE when it was already struggling with to much Armour....WHAT DO YOU THINK???This same thing happens to Mary Shoman when she takes iodine she writes about it in her book.The Dr says l am deficient in Iodine but why?and could l not eat sea weed?or add more sea salt to my food?would you email him again telling him what you have read?and what does he think of this suggestion? or am l pushing it suggesting treatment or miss treatment by a DOCTOR! four weeks is a long time to carry on feeling like this ,worse than normal!l don't go for more tests until the end of July.
l also believe l am in need of DHEA /Pregnenalone as my adrenals are not functioning well ( hence the terrible sweats l was having January through to April..which stopped as soon as l went back on the Armour)...
Friday l felt like l had been hit by a steam roller!!l didn't take any supplements l was in bed all day and l didn't sleep again all night.My behavior is not the norm! to say the least..l wanted to get back to base line l took 1/8 Armour on Saturday and l'm feeling Calmer today..WHEN l feel 0k and l can spare another couple of days out of the loop, l will try the iodine again to see how l go, tho it seems a bit like making yourself ill for no reason! ln the mean time l will add the rest of the supplements in each day to see if its them making me ill...

Again here " ACTION is the antidote to despair" - Joan Baez ( l felt the despair so my blog is the action,reaching out for HELP!)
If you have an opinion or know some one who might, PLEASE direct them to my blog..
who knows the problem might get solved!

Weigh in tomorrow last night for my treat l ate chicken Tikka and vegetable curry all that flavour, l shouldn't eat the spices but heh! when you feeling down and ill how much WORSE are you going feel!!!?

You'll be seeing less of me next time! x

Friday, 21 May 2010

All systems go! we have lift off........

You wouldn't believe it! or if you knew me well you would! l have been writing all evening and
having " selected veiw blog " all of my ramblings on have disappeared! honestly! but how lucky are you? Maybe you would have died of boredom! slashed your wrists in despair and sadness or brought me a gun!l think l must have lost my internet connection and when l thought l had saved it.... l HADN"T.....
What l had been saying was....Thank you to MOLLY click on her name and you will find her over here inspiring me and others to give the "Thyroid Diet, manage your metabolism for lasting weight loss" a try, its written by Mary J Shoman..
l can't recommend it enough..Molly is doing brilliantly go and visit her blog!
l'm trying the Carb- sensitive plan....l started on Monday 17th May...l weighed in at 200lbs..
now don't say Huh! is that all... in April last year l weighed 220lbs.and the year before that 234lbs!nl had to stop taking Armour thyroid because of the shortages.l was put on Levo thyroxine and cynomel l was already taking DHEA/pregnenalone . After being in hospital from May,three operations over two months and also being prescribed far to much levothyroxine ( l ended up in A&E with heart attack symptoms) l found myself weighing 160lbs in September! a lot cheaper
than Weight watchers ,Rosemary Connelly or Slimming world! just a few that l have tried,
but not to be recommended! since then the lbs piled on! and l have to stop the fat train......
lm allergic to dairy,eggs,gluten,wheat and all grains,garlic and all beans and banana's .l also stick to a anti candida diet ( two years now)most of the foods cross over with my allergy food list,plus adding yeast and fermented foods and all sugar.l was strict with no fruit for over a year but have now added it back as my Doctor said "better yeast than Cancer"! you would think l would be slimmer considering what l CANT eat!On the carb sensitive plan l am not able to eat any of the starches other than snacks or treats....Watch this space..
weigh in on MONDAY!!!!
l will re write some of my ramblings tomorrow so you know what's been happening...oh how l wish l had saved the lost post!!

l did write this quote in the lost post.l found it in Marys Shomans book....
" Action is the antidote to despair " - Joan Baez.....
this about somes me up..........
l find my self going with the flow, praying, hoping ,trusting, listening ,researching ,visiting, paying, trying, in order to feel a little bit like the old me. WELL....l then get a week worse than normal through NO fault of my own ( tell you about it tomorrow) and then l kick up, get a bit more back bone in me and only then can l get in a place where l can try and get more control of this thing that took over my you understand?
you'll be seeing less of me!x