Hello all,thought l would update the blog to say where lm at..thankyou for the emails asking how l am..WELL.... BAD!!!! l dont mean WELLBAD like the kids say...! but BAD ..
l have posted this update on my blog at the http://www.thyroiduk.org/ website...you have to click on healthunlockedbox near the bottem of the page to go to the blog/help forum... l have tried to put the link in for this but it wont direct me straight there...l will get in touch with them and try and sort it out..if you havent been there before its well worth a visit..for information and support in all things thyroid and MORE!!AS advised back last september l stopped trying to get the Armour thyroid in me and was advised
to take the Adrenal support /liquorice ticture/ Hydro cortisone...( the theory being get the adrenals working
then start the thyroid meds up again, it does work for other people! )..NO JOY.. my heart races,palpitations and l sweated so much ( the same as when l took iodine)...so l was told to stop this also..and try to start again slowly in increments...NO JOY...l actually feel far worse when taking my meds /supplements.. As the weeks/months have gone by my symptoms seem to have flipped over!
.l have gone from anxious,racing heart,hyper,and SOooo....sweaty to
being "VERY HYPOTHYROID" ( understandable No meds )
l am taking my blood pressure every morning/ eve and this is very low and my tempreature has dropped lower ,34.4 last night..l am SO tired, lethargic, brain dead and foggy ( even though l still stick to my strict diet) l lack energy ( we went to see cirque solie last night at the Albert hall and l fell asleep!)and concentration ( sorry about the grammar and spellings) and l am in PAIN all over, my hands feet and legs..and my thumb joints keep locking in position!l tried diclophenic tablets but hey guess what they make my heart race and l SWEAT!so l don't take them..
BUT THE UP SIDE is l haven't had a single hot sweat ,flush,or volcanic eruption.( other then when l tried the diclophenic).SO l know l am that age when l doo get hot flushes but they DON'T stop and start when when you do or don't take meds!!! l do have a warm colouring on my face and neck occasionally...OK. but NOT a volcano eruption pressured sweat that leaves you ringing wet and reaching for dry clothes and a towel..and completely unable to sleep at night...
So also because of lack of meds ( l had been on DHEA/Prgnenalone before) my Adrenals are really up the creak ..so l cant wake up in the morning and find it harder to wind down at night..but it doesn't stop me sleeping...l sleep straight through (result)
Now the next thing you ask is how long is this going to last??
well l am in contact with Dr Peatfield ,who hasn't seen anyone like me before!! he cant understand my reaction to the meds..BUT he is so kind and understanding and is there for me.( even though he did ask was l from another planet!.)
My GP has another approach..last year in Feb l came out with a rash on my face then different rashes all over at different times..he said l had the rash because we had a dark winter and l had reacted to the strong sunlight when it finally appeared ..he said poly morphic light eruption.. l went to see my GP in September the day before l saw Dr Peatfield complaining of feeling ill and hyper when l took my meds and low when l didn't..AND l said l still have the rash on my face (even though l am tanned ) he said he could see it..and said that he was thinking LUPUS...( l didn't now what that was or any thing about it..)he sent me for loads of
blood tests and refered me to the Lupus clinic at St Thomas's hospital and also the endocrine department..l
have waited for my appointments and l shall be going to the endocrine appointment next Thursday..OMG...l am so apprehensive about going..it is in the endocrine/diabetic ( good /not good?) unit..l will have to see how the Dr is...he'll probably think l am a nutter with my Armour dhea hydro cortisone candida and leaky gut..just have to see how he is before l bombard him..l will probably take my copy of Dr P's book with me and lf l feel we are not on the same level l will leave it with him!! as a gift to him and his future patients..
My Lupus appointment is in March..l have already seen a Dr at the London bridge
Lupus centre who advised me to wait for my St Thomas appointment as the tests cost loads of money and as some of my tests that my GP ran were positive he said to wait.
he advised me to take the hydro cortisone for the pain BUT HEY you now the song by now ..l CANT TAKE IT ,THO l TRIED........... if only l could string some more verses together ,record it and make MILLIONS l could then set up a research centre for all the millions of thyroids in the world who are miss understood ,ill treated and neglected....
well that was a long update SORRY....wont leave it so long next time xxx
best l go back to bed.....xx