Saturday, 19 June 2010

somethings happening!

Its the weekend AND l have to just say on Thursday l weighed myself and
l had lost! l weighed 191.8lbs ....87 kilos....or 13st 9.8lbs to be exact...
 so as l was 193lbs for the two weeks before l lost 1.2lbs.
 so l didn't flip as l thought it will all go back on by the evening ..It didn't!so l was the same all day
AND today Saturday l weighed myself and lve lost again!!
today l weigh 189.6 ...86 kilos....or13.7.6lbs
 so lve lost  another2.2lbs ATLAST!!!
 a total of 3.4lbs this week and its not over yet!!
 lm telling you today in case when l weigh in on Monday l've put it all back on!!
and if l say that l had lost it  by Saturday you will believe me!!!
 l have swam a few more metres. and moved a pile of sand!
and l have also cut back on the fruit l was eating......
 see you Monday..have a good Sunday!

Wednesday, 16 June 2010

Still the same!

Hi there, WE now have internet in the house!so l will be able to blog more easily!!
the weather here is great!
so two days late!
 the weight for week Mon 7th - 14th June is 193lbs still the same!
 BUT still l didn't put on any!
l think l had a bit of a blip with converting the weight from kilos to pounds last week!
so l have been online and now have sorted the problem out!
l have been walking more and doing more....
l think l will have to cut back on the fruit,l tend to treat myself to fruit
 as my allergies prevent me from eating so much on the diet ok list
SO from tomorrow l will be sticking to only 2 pieces a day.
l will have to see if this helps?
still only on 1/4 grain of Armour so this could be a sticking block as well.
l'm due to talk to my Dr next week l will see if l can try to up the dose ..
have a good week! l hope your disapearing! x